“A Lutheran Shelter for Children”

Recently, “The Lutheran” a magazine of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America published an article of interest, “A Lutheran Shelter for Children,” in their June issue. This article features Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ’s Lutheran Home for Children and our partnership with St. Paul Lutheran Church. This key relationship makes possible the crucial work of the Lutheran Home for Children possible—providing a safe, loving, environment for children in crisis.

Here is a glimpse of the excellent article published by “The Lutheran”:

Just a 10-minute train ride from Manhattan, the Lutheran Home for Children in Jersey City, N.J., is a safe and welcoming place for teens who have known some of the worst that life has to offer.

Next door to St. Paul Lutheran, the home (also known as St. Paul’s Home) once served as the church’s parsonage. Today the Arts and Crafts building is an emergency shelter for up to eight children aged 13 to 17 who have experienced abuse, neglect, exploitation and homelessness. Some may be victims of human trafficking or prostitution. The shelter is made possible through a partnership between the congregation and Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey (LSMNJ), which operates the home.

Here youth find a protective, structured place to live while they await placement in a foster home or while parents or caregivers pull their lives together (which can include seeking substance abuse treatment).

You can subscribe to the Lutheran by visiting http://www.thelutheran.org