Cherishing Our Elders

Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey provides affordable housing, social services and healthcare to more than 1,400 seniors across the state. Most are on limited incomes and some are even homebound. Many rely on the assistance of others — especially in recent days with rising costs resulting from the pandemic.
Each senior, no matter what program they are in (Affordable Senior Housing, Journey Hospice, SpiriCare, Crane’s Mill or Lutheran Senior LIFE), is part of the LSMNJ family. And, as such, we feel it is our responsibility to see that they receive help and assistance throughout the year. Cherishing our Elders is a program where volunteers and philanthropic support can help LSMNJ provide the seniors in our programs with access to supply-filled food pantries, grocery gift cards, warm clothes and necessities, holiday food bags, room decorations, sun catchers, personal care items, and more. The program also encourages the community to share goodwill through cards, poems, and letters, and share the warmth of friendship with all.
How you can help:
Philanthropic Support
- Financial gifts
- Donation of gifts-in-kind

Generous support from corporate, church, and individual donors to the Cherishing Our Elders program ensures that our seniors know how much they are valued and loved. We hope you will consider making a donation today. To donate, click on the link above and select Cherishing Our Elders from the drop down menu.
Questions about how you can donate to the program? Contact Alison Lauck at (609) 500-0753 or by email at
Volunteer Opportunities
- In-Person Group Projects
- Remote/Virtual Projects
Youth groups, congregations, companies, schools or individuals can assist our seniors by participating in a day-of-service. Groups can come together in-person or virtually to complete a volunteer activity, such as: make goody bags, food bags, cards, crafts, or write letters. The Cherishing Our Elders program will deliver items to our seniors throughout the year, so you can select any date and time that is best for your group.
Interested in volunteering? Contact Beth Gebhart at (609) 760-6073 or by email at
Cherishing Our Elders in Action:
January 2022 – Lord of Life Lutheran Church- Tabernacle, NJ
A very warm ‘thank you’ to Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Tabernacle, NJ. Through our new initiative, Cherishing Our Elders, members from the church’s 55+ group and Youth group created a variety of craft items for seniors within LSMNJ programs. As an intergenerational project, the group made scented pine cones, magnets, sun catchers and painted rocks.