Lutheran Learning provides tools for leaders, pastors, and churches

Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey (LSMNJ) is excited to present a series of workshops and classes entitled Lutheran Learning. These educational programs are intended for your pastor, church leaders, and congregational members to enhance your ministry and broaden your understanding of current topics, such as preparedness. LSMNJ will bring these free, ready-made programs to your church. All you need to do is choose a topic, select a date, and share the details with your congregation and community or invite select church leaders to attend.

If you are interested in a topic that is not listed, please let us know.

Lutheran Learning for Leadership—workshops for pastors and church leaders

  • Human Resources — how to give productive performance reviews, policies, and forms for employee reviews, how to deal with difficult employees and make everyone more productive.
  • Church Property & Social Ministry — discuss options for church property that needs a new purpose.

Lutheran Learning for Living—workshops for church members and community members

  • Affordable Housing 101 — learn about affordable housing, the types of housing and ways to support that ministry.
  • Timely Conversations — if a surgery, accident or serious illness prevents you from speaking for yourself, what are your wishes? How do you define quality of life? Living will are provided.
  • Volunteer Opportunities — learn why volunteering is so critical to overall health, how to support your communities and ways to become involved in LSMNJ communities.
  • You’re in the hospital – Now what? — this workshop covers what you need to know should you or a family member find yourself in the hospital. Learn how to advocate for what you need. Discuss titles and roles of the staff you might encounter.
  • Live as Young as You Feel — the workshop addresses how to choose a retirement community, downsizing and estate planning. Presented by qualified professionals.
  • Navigating Senior Living — It’s time to sell the house and move. This workshop discusses the different types of care communities. Walk away with 5 key items to look for when choosing a retirement and healthcare community.
  • Lutheran Disaster Response & Preparedness — How do the Lutheran Church bodies work together during a disaster. You can never be too prepared – discuss how to be prepared for a variety of disaster situations
  • Social Ministry & Confirmation Class — discuss how the Gospel calls us to live out our faith. This workshop is for confirmation students, explores social ministry in an interactive setting.

Download Lutheran Learning flyer

Make an online donation today.

Interested in hosting one of our Lutheran Learning workshops? Contact Beth Gebhart, Director, Community Relations & Volunteers, at or at (609) 699-4133.