Kevin Moran Nominated to South Jersey Continuum of Care Board
Kevin Moran, executive director of New Visions Homeless Day Shelter in Camden, was recently nominated to the South NJ Continuum of Care Executive Board. Kevin will represent the Camden County Continuum of Care, along with 5 other representatives, two from government agencies, and three from non-government agencies.
The South NJ Continuum of Care (SNJCoC) works to prevent and end homelessness through public and private collaboration that maximizes efforts and leverages resources. The formation of this board is the culmination of many years of planning and hard work by county members. General Membership of the SNJCoC includes the founding Continuums of Camden, Cumberland, and Gloucester Counties.
“I am fortunate to have the opportunity to represent Camden County on the SNJCoC Executive Board. Each County works towards a common mission. The collaborative effort will lead us to achieve the ultimate goal, which is to end homelessness in New Jersey,” Moran explained.
New Visions Homeless Day Shelter is a daytime safe haven for men, women, and children to receive a nutritious meal (breakfast and lunch), with access to shower and laundry facilities, a food pantry, a clothing closet, mail services, and job placement assistance.
To learn more please contact, Kevin Moran at 856-963-8726.