LSM of Camden Kicks Off it’s Annual Summer Camp
Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey staff joined campers and their families in kicking off the 3rd Annual Summer Garden Camp, sponsored by Lutheran Social Ministries of Camden (LSM of Camden) Monday, July 8.
The campers were eager to get started. This year they will harvest, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers and a variety of herbs.
“The summer camp, provides the opportunity for the children to learn the importance of healthy eating habits along with the great sense of accomplishment in seeing their vegetables flourish,” Barbara Fullerton, Director of Development explained. “The campers are able to take fresh vegetables home as well as share them with community members.”
The camp will run six weeks and children from LSM of Camden’s housing community will participate in harvesting the garden as well as arts, crafts, healthy living classes and trips to local playgrounds and parks. The camp is offered free of charge and provides the children with a safe, fun environment while school is out.