LSMNJ is Thankful for Year-End Grants
As the year ends, we are very thankful for recent grants and trusts received through Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey Foundation. This funding enables Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey (LSMNJ) to continue to serve those in need through our mission.
A $5,000 “Lutheran Community Matthew 25: Neighbors in Need” grant was received through the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation. This grant helps support New Visions Homeless Day Shelter in Camden, NJ. It was awarded to LSMNJ based on our proven effectiveness in addressing physical, emotional or spiritual needs in the community such as food, clothing, shelter, fellowship, and care for the sick based on Jesus’ words in Matthew 25: 35-36. New Visions also received $2,500 from Gallagher Benefits. In addition, employees of Gallagher Benefits volunteered their time on Monday, December 23rd at New Visions serving breakfast and visiting with patrons.
Two other grants of note were, $2,500 provided by Beneficial Bank Foundation to Lutheran Social Ministries of Camden, affordable family townhomes, and $29,025 received by Lutheran Care at Moorestown from the Dorthea Partch Trust.
Beth Gebhart, executive director of Fund Development and LSMNJ Foundation, expressed gratitude, “The grants we receive make such a difference in the lives of the people we serve. The grant money for New Visions allows us to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables; if you are living on the street fresh produce is a special gift. Fresh produce helps folks build a stronger body – a stronger/healthier body makes better choices. I am so thankful for the gifts of others that help us do this work.”