LSMNJ Launches HealthMEDX, an Electronic Medical Record Software

After eight months of intense preparation and teamwork across the organization, Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey (LSMNJ) is proud to announce the successful launch of HealthMEDX.  On December 1, 2013 Crane’s Mill and Lutheran Care at Moorestown entered into the next level of healthcare with implementation of this comprehensive electronic medical record and customer relationship management system.

“Our health record keeping system is now considered state of the art, with every process in clinical, financial, and administration automated through one record,” explained John Hoffler, executive director of information technology. “ This is the largest software system ever implemented at LSMNJ. Although there will be upcoming challenges, since day one staff across the organization have embraced this new technology and have proven themselves up for the task.”

The new electronic medical record system will replace traditional paper charts and will be used across the continuum of care from independent living to skilled nursing, even rehabilitation services. This comprehensive system provides electronic medical records as well as medication and treatment administration, and streamlines the entire admission process and financial information, including billing, all through one record.  Sales and marketing activities can also be tracked, determining which efforts are resulting in the greatest return. Unnecessary, time consuming manual searching is eliminated and the information needed is available at the touch of a screen, click of a mouse, or push of a button by each user.

“Risk of error greatly decreases with use of HealthMEDX. If you look at the HealthMedX website, they report a 48 percent reduction in medical errors due to use of their software,” explained Darren Fox, director of community relations and team lead on implementation of HelathMedX at Lutheran Care at Moorestown. “All members of the clinical team can easily coordinate together, automatic notifications are fast tracked to nurses for follow up care, and staff can more efficiently track and ensure accuracy in medication distribution.”

According to Bob Donahue, project manager of HealthMedX for LSMNJ, “Because so many people pulled together and have committed to the success of this project, the launch of HealthMedX was smooth and is already proving itself to be a welcome benefit to staff and the people we serve.”