Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey Welcomes Beth Gebhart, Director of Community Partnering & A
Heather Kato, Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey
(609) 699-4139
Beth Gebhart
BURLINGTON, N.J. – December 2010 – We are pleased to announce that Beth Gebhart has joined Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey in the role of Director of Community Partnering & Advocacy. Beth comes to LSM/NJ with a vast experience in the social services field as well as the Lutheran Church. Recently, she served as the volunteer coordinator of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program with the Community Planning and Advocacy Council. Past positions have included, case manager with the Adult Day Programs and Area Office on Aging in Pennsylvania, and the Cherry Hill School system. Currently, she serves as the Chair of the Cherry Hill Food and Outreach Council. The council is an ecumenical group comprised of eight, all volunteer congregations who provide food staples to members of the community. The council was pleased to receive a grant in 2009 from the Lutherans Feeding Friends program. The grant allowed the pantry to provide fresh produce to the folks they serve, as well as, access additional funds to continue the “fresh fruit for friends” program into 2010.
Beth is a member of St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Cherry Hill were she teaches confirmation and serves on the Christian Education team. She has been an active member of several Lutheran Churches in New Jersey serving on Social Ministry, Christian Education and Youth committees. “My experience and passion for social ministry has led me to serve on the Aging and Disabilities Committee of Camden County, task force group for Linkages of Camden and several PTA board positions.”
When asked about her vision for Social Ministry Beth responded with a vacation bible school song from several years ago; “First, God loved us first, we love because God loved us first”. “I truly believe we serve food to the hungry, provide shelter to the homeless, speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, nurse the sick, provide compassion to the hurting and safe haven to those who are in danger because that is the example set before us.
Great needs exist in our communities, but with great need comes great passion. Lutheran Social Ministries has its finger on the pulse of that passion”. Beth went on to say, “I am excited to be a part of the team and passion and look forward to working with the many Lutheran congregations as we grow in our understanding and further development of social ministry”. Beth can be reached at 609-699-4133.
“The verse Micah 6:8 is on the wall of my office to remind me in which direction to head. I look forward to the work we have set before us.” explains Beth. He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8