Lutheran Social Ministries of North Camden Opens Food Pantry to Benefit Residents

Lutheran Social Ministries of North Camden is pleased to announce the opening of its food pantry to support residents of its affordable housing community. The pantry is fully stocked thanks to generous donations from residents at  Cranes Mill Retirement Community, Rutgers University Camden staff, St. Michaels Lutheran Church and the Roscoe family. The pantry was just recently renovated by St. Josephs Philadelphia Service Immersion Program and Campbell’s Soup who assisted with painting, assembling shelving, stocking and inventorying donations.

“Often our residents at LSM of North Camden have to make the difficult decision to either pay their electric bill or put food on the table to feed their family. By providing this resource, we’re eliminating one struggle for the families we serve,” expressed Colleen Frankenfield, Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ President and CEO. “As an organization with a mission to help those in need, we are always seeking new ways to better the lives of those in our communities.”

The food pantry will continue to rely on the generosity of others, like you. If you would like to make a contribution to help keep the shelves stocked for our families, please see the list of items needed below. “We all have a responsibility to take care of our fellow neighbor. The mission of LSMNJ couldn’t be more true through the efforts of the H.E.R.O. program.” explained Craig Roscoe, Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ Social Worker and Manager of the H.E.R.O. program.

Non-perishable items needed include:

·         Macaroni and cheese

·         Canned fruits and vegetables

·         Boxed potato and rice

·         Tuna

·         Sauce and pasta

·         Peanut butter and jelly

·         Cereal

·         Crackers

·         Shelf stable juice and juice mix (non-refrigerated)

Personal care products needed:

·         Toothpaste and toothbrushes

·         Soap

·         Shampoo,

·         Laundry detergent

·         Female hygiene products

·         Toilet paper

·         Napkins

·         Paper towels

·         Baby diapers and wipes.

Bulk food items, and gift cards for Shoprite and Walmart are also welcomed. Shop at AmazonSmile ( and designate Lutheran Social Ministries of NJ as your charity of choice and Amazon will make a 5% donation to our organization. If you are interested in making a donation, call H.E.R.O. Program Manager Craig Roscoe MSW at 856-281-4649 or email to coordinate a food drop-off location or receive additional information.