New Visions Blesses New Location

LSMNJ - New Visions Homeless Day Shelter Blessing


New Visions Homeless Day Shelter dedicated its new home at 555 Atlantic Ave., Camden, NJ on Thursday, January 22 with a Blessing and Open House.  Executive Director Fund Development and LSMNJ Foundation Beth Gebhart and Executive Director of New Visions Kevin Moran welcomed members of the community, patrons of New Visions and representatives of LSMNJ and thanked them for their dedication and service to New Visions. Assemblyman Angel Fuentes presented CEO Colleen Frankenfield with a declaration of congratulations on behalf of Senator Cruz-Perez, Assemblyman Wilson and himself.

For photos from the event, please check out our album on the LSMNJ Flickr page.

The transition from the shelter’s previous location at 523 Stevens St. in Camden began with a move of furniture, supplies, and other resources after breakfast was served on Friday, December 15. The new site was already set-up for breakfast and other services by the following Monday. “The relocation of the New Visions program has been received well by the guests, the staff, and the volunteers,” said Kevin Moran, executive director of New Visions. “We have the capability of serving the guests in a holistic way at the new location.  We are fortunate for the partnerships with businesses, social service providers, and the Camden community who have continued to support the mission of serving the ‘least among us.’” New Visions serves an average of 175 people each day with food, friendship, and personal care resources.