Sandy Recovery to Help Keep NJ Strong!

Going into the summer, LSM/NJ will utilize a variety of grant funds and donations received to further our work with Hurricane Sandy recovery such as providing volunteer management coordinators, support to long-term recovery committees for rebuilding homes, providing the community portion of four Camp Noah’s, and assisting in establishing volunteer hosting sites.

Recently LSM/NJ was awarded a significant grant by the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund. This $200,000 award allows us to fund disaster recovery coordinators to work across the impacted areas. These funds allow us to manage volunteer groups, support orientation centers, recruit volunteers, find housing for volunteers and work within impacted communities to develop long-term recovery groups. The work done through this grant is a lot of the behind-the-scenes work that allows for the rebuilding of homes and the emotional support provided to people. This is not the exciting stuff of which pictures are taken, but it is so very important. We are honored to be entrusted with helping to rebuild parts of New Jersey.

To date LSM/NJ has accomplished the following:

  •     We have been actively engaged in long-term recovery efforts in Monmouth, Ocean, and Hudson counties and the Rahway area
  •     Given over 30 unmet needs grants
  •     Placed over 450 volunteers with over 2000 volunteer hours
  •     Received community funding for 4 Camp Noah’s
  •     Partnered with Southeast Pennsylvania and New Jersey synods of the ELCA for Helping Hands Day, placing 300 youth in volunteer clean-up projects
  •     Partnered with the ELCA/LDR to provide training, and support to long-term recovery groups

Download the Sandy Update Letter