September is National Healthy Aging® Month

September is National Healthy Aging® Month and there is no better time to take charge of your overall mental, physical and emotional well-being. Throughout each of our senior care communities, we encourage residents to make the most of each day by participating in activities they enjoy and socializing as often as possible. We believe that the key to living a full life is by taking care of yourself in all capacities while spreading joy to others. Aging is a natural part of life and though it may not always be easy, there are many ways we can age gracefully and have fun while doing it.

Carolyn Worthington, editor-in-chief of Healthy Aging® Magazine, is the creator of Healthy Aging Month and has provided a detailed list of ways for everyone to seize the day and embrace life no matter what age you are. We’ve outlined a few of their tips below.

Don’t act your age. Who says you have to act your age? We say it’s overrated! Most people don’t typically feel as old as they are so why not envision yourself as the age you feel and then act accordingly?

Try something new. Is there anything you have always dreamed of trying like taking a yoga class or learning an instrument, but thought that you were too old or too inexperienced? You don’t know what you’re capable of unless you give it a try. Stepping out of your comfort zone may seem scary at first but it’s worth it, trust us.

Leave loneliness behind. Feeling down, out and lonely is not fun or good for your health. Luckily, there are countless ways to combat those feelings. Call a friend and make plans for lunch. Better yet, volunteer your time at an animal shelter or local school. Go online and check out your community calendar for upcoming events and plan to attend. You never know who you will meet and what you’ll experience.

Make a doctor’s appointment. Ok, this tip doesn’t seem too exciting but it is key to healthy aging. Schedule your annual physical to make sure your body is working just as it should. This will give you peace of mind and put you on your way to healthy aging!

These are just a few ways to take care of yourself as you get older. For more tips on ways to live your best life, visit Healthy Aging® Magazine.