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LSMNJ 2023 Annual Report to the Community

2023 Report to the Community

Embracing Community

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:7

Since 1904, Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey has been embracing our community by serving those who hurt, who are in need, or who have limited choices. Meet:

  • Our community partner: Prince of Peace in Princeton Junction, serving in so many different ways.
  • Jane Lessner, who shares her journey with our hospice team in her time of need.
  • Jean Wallace, a near centenarian who has lived in LSMNJ affordable housing for nearly a quarter of her life.
  • And Evan Lorenz, a young man who shares his talents with seniors in his community.

Wonderful examples of our ongoing commitment to serving our community.


LSMNJ 2022 Annual Report to the Community

2022 Report to the Community

Opening Doors

The 2022 Annual Report to the Community is focused on LSMNJ’s uncanny practice of “Opening Doors.” We do so in a number of ways, including:

  • Providing safe, affordable housing to improve the lives of those in need
  • Helping seniors to live their best lives, regardless of care needs
  • Initiating dialogue across each other’s cultures and backgrounds
  • Providing opportunities to volunteer and help others


2021 Report to the Community

Give Because it Matters

We are excited to share our most recent Annual Report to the Community. In this issue, we sat down with several LSMNJ volunteers who shared how they make a difference by giving their time to help others. We also introduce you to some of our donors who embrace the mission of LSMNJ in their hearts and who provide generous dollars to further the work of our grace-filled organization. Also included, a conspectus of the senior care services we offer across the state, a report of our financials, and a complete list of donors from 2021.


2020 Report to the Community

Together We Shall Overcome

Our Annual Report for 2020 has a huge focus on the way in which LSMNJ and its employees, residents, and participants weathered the many challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also includes financials for the year, as well as our list of donors from 2020. To request a hard copy of our annual report, send your request to


View and download past editions of our Annual Report below.






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Journal Of Philanthropy

The 2013 Journal of Philanthropy is a reflection of the many who support the work of Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey (LSMNJ). Our priorities are encapsulated in LSMNJ’s new tag line—your need is our mission—and speaks to our commitment to accompany people along life’s pathway. Alone, our resources are limited. But when we are united in purpose—to serve those who hurt, who are in need, or who have limited choices—we can do amazing things.


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