Volunteers Enjoy a Tropical Thank You!

LDR Volunteer Luau

On Saturday August 15th about fifty volunteers, partners, and LSMNJ staff gathered for a Hawaiian Luau Volunteer Appreciation event sponsored by LSMNJ Disaster Recovery. This event was created to thank the thousands of volunteers, donors, grantors, and partners who have joined together to help New Jersey recover from the devastating effects of Super Storm Sandy.

Almost three years later, more than 10,000 families remain displaced from this terrible storm. Each year hundreds of volunteers continue to come to New Jersey to rebuild homes and restore lives. The Hawaiian Luau was one small way to recognize the tireless dedication of volunteers from New Jersey and from across the country, and to celebrate the amazing progress that has been made.

LDR Volunteer LuauLSMNJ Disaster Recovery volunteers have worked more than 60,000 hours rebuilding homes and lives in the aftermath of this disaster. This adds up to $1.5 million in labor value! Every one of the homeowners whose lives have been touched by our volunteers could tell a story of the hope and physical restoration they brought.

These accomplishments were celebrated with burgers, hot dogs, and the crowd favorite…pulled pork! Volunteers and staff alike exhibited their silly side in the photo booth, donning hula skirts and grabbing an inflatable surf board prop. People came from across New Jersey – from volunteer host sites, Hand in Hand Day participants, as well as the NJ Synod Bishop Tracie Bartholomew. Glenn and Lisa Beard traveled the furthest, coming from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania representing their North Lancaster Conference team.

LDR Volunteer LuauAs the third anniversary of Super Storm Sandy at the end of October fast approaches, the needs of disaster-impacted residents continue to increase and grant funds are running low.

If you are interested in volunteering with LSMNJ Disaster Recovery, please fill out our Volunteer Registration form

If you’re interested in supporting LSMNJ Disaster Recovery, please check us out the LSNNJ Diaster Recovery CrowdRise page – become a part of the team and share the page with your friends!